I am so sad and angry and frustrated right now. One of my best friends (who, by the way, just joined my team two days ago) found out yesterday that she has a pre-cancerous lesion inside her uterus and needs a full hysterectomy ASAP. However, she isn't going to get it done unti mid-December. Why? Because she works for one of those home party companies... You know, the ones where you do "skin care parties" and people shop for cosmetics and skin care. She is a Director for this company and doesn't want to let her team down, lose her productivity, and fail to meet her quota, which would mean that she would lose her car bonus and take a big hit financially.
She is going to risk CANCER to maintain her at-home business.
WTF is the point of working from home if you have to get surgery - LIFE SAVING SURGERY, no less - and have to worry about "losing everything"??? I'd rather work a 9-5 desk job where I could call on the Medical Leave Act and protect my rights. I'm so, so, so upset for her, with her and about her situation right now, I can't even express myself to you. I was hoping that writing this blog entry would make me feel better, but now I'm just crying on my couch, and I have to pick up my twins from pre-school in ten minutes.
I've known her for ten years. We've been with each other through thick and thin. And she's letting her freaking garage inventory put off this surgery. That's just not okay with me.
My FIRST Priority, no matter what. |
I found this all out last night. I could barely sleep. I have been thinking about it since getting off the phone with her. And, I started taking inventory of my own life. I have three year old twins, Catherine and Charles. They are the biggest priority in my life. They are number one (I can lump them together, because they are twins). I need to be here for them, at least until they graduate high school and can stand on their own two feet. I'm overweight and don't take the best care of my health, and I'm turning 35 a week from today. I need to get my act together. I actually did start taking vitamins that I ordered from the company that I work from home for a few days ago, so that is definitely a step in the right direction.
I want my kids to have a GREAT life. My mom raised me and my sister by herself, and we had a GREAT childhood. In retrospect, I can see how difficult that was for my mom-- a divorced woman on a teacher's salary with two kids that didn't get child support from their deadbeat dad. It must have been one helluva struggle. I don't want to struggle. That's why I try so many different businesses, I think. Sure, I've got a successful travel and event planning company, but I don't ever see myself bring a millionaire with that. So, I dabble elsewhere. I write. I teach seminars. I mystery shop. I do everthing I can in order to bring in more money for my family. I work hard. Maybe I work so hard because I have that inherent fear that my kids are going to lack something in their lives, and I want to make sure that I am able to provide them with whatever they need, until they can work for it and get it themselves. Even then, I don't want them to have any school loans or other debt as they enter adulthood. Money has always been a stress for me, and I refuse to talk about it. I'm just taking care of it myself. I'll tell everyone how I eliminated my debt when I do, but, until then, mum's the word.
When my twins were born, they were seven weeks early. I nearly died three times during delivery. They stayed in the NICU for thirteen days. I had an incredibly difficult delivery, then got into a car accident when they were six months old and had to have shoulder surgery. I relied so heavily on my husband (who is a police officer) to pay the bills. It was an unexpected and unfair position to put him in, and I feel outrageously guilty for it. Why? Because I've never had a steady salary. I don't have a pension like him. I don't have a 401K. I don't have an IRA. I don't even think I'm going to get social security when I'm old enough. Seeing what sacrifices my friend has to make in fear of financial issues - perhaps even the ULTIMATE sacrifice - has shaken me to my core.
By now, you must be wondering why I am writing this blog entry in this business blog. Well, I've been doing quite a lot of research about this business I've joined, and I have learned a lot about it that is going to help with my entire family's financial future. I know that there are MILLIONS of people that do not have jobs in the USA and Canada right now that are looking for something-- for some way to make a change. They have to do something to get off of unemployment and build their future. I've never, ever, EVER been on unemployment - not that there is anything wrong with that - but I know that I need to change things in my life. I'm 35 years old. Yes, I have life insurance, but what happens when that life insurance policy runs out? Will my kids be able to go to school? Will they struggle? My Aunt, whom I loved very dearly, was killed at age 39 and left four kids behind. She had a big life insurance policy, but she died 11 years ago, when they were young. What do they have left from that policy? Not much, if anything at all. My friend's cousin just had to have quadruple bypass surgery-- at the age of 40. FORTY! You just never know when it's your time, and it is my responsibility to make sure my kids are prepared financially, should that (God forbid) ever happen. I'm writing this in my business blog because I think it is going to change the perspective of a lot of people that read this entry.
I have only been doing this work-from-home business for about six weeks. I love it. I can honestly see myself selling my travel and event planning business (although I'd still do some destination weddings, because I love them so much) in a few years, dependent upon how much I am actually making with this company. I know in my hert of hearts that I am going to be a success. This company makes it easy for
ANYONE to succeed at it. Here are the twelve success factors why (as named by their most successful work-from-home Marketing Executive, but described by yours truly):
- COMPANY TRACK RECORD: This company has been around since 1985. It is an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, and has even won the coveted Torch Award.
- FINANCIALLY SOUND: This company is completely debt-free and has never been late in sending out profit checks to their at-home marketing executives.
- STRONG MANAGEMENT: The CEO has won many awards, such as 2001 Entrepreneur of the Year, and even sat on the DSA Board of Ethics. The management team is not involved in any "uplines" or "downlines," unlike those found in MLMs. Team is principle-centered and mission-driven. Many of the corporate leaders come from Fortune 500 companies.
- UNIQUE CONSUMABLE PRODUCTS: They sell products that people are already buying, but are higher quality and better for you because they are all-natural. Many products have patents and/or are patent-pending. Marketing Executives don't have to create a need to buy; customers use the products in their homes every day.
- COMPETITIVELY PRICED: The prices of the products sold by this company is equal to or less expensive than what people can purchase in the store.
- HIGH REORDER RATE: This company has a 95% reorder rate. They even provide their Marketing Executives a business report every month.
- LOW PERSONAL PRODUCTION REQUIREMENT: You don't invest anything into this company or purchase any inventory. You just switch stores.
- LOW ENTRY FEE: It costs $29 to enroll, which is a one-time fee. The enroller is not paid a bonus on your enrollment. No inventory is purchased when you enroll-- The $29 is ALL you need to pay to enroll, and can be refunded if you aren't happy and cancel within four months.
- LOW ATTRITION: In other companies, if the customer didn't order, they had to quit. This company has products with enough value where customers are repeat customers.
- TIMING: You don't have to "get in early" to make a lot of money. People actually build a business, and don't have to "get in & get out" to turn a profit. "Green" is really "in", and this company has been "green" for over 25 years. Their products are already proven to withstand the test of time.
- NO BREAKAWAYS: You don't get penalized if someone you enroll "passes" you. Your team can never be given to someone else. NOT a binary plan.
- NO RISK: Everything - even the enrollment fee in the first four months - is fully refundable. No one can be hurt by the structure of the company. This is something that EVERYONE can do, regardless of education, socioeconomic status, location, age (18 and over, of course) or anything else. If you know the 80% / 20% rule, this business is something that the 80%ers can do.
Me and Dionne |
Virtually everyone needs a Plan B. Know what? This is a darn good Plan A. My best friend, Dionne, realized that she wanted this to be her Plan A two years ago. I'm starting to realize it now. I can absolutely see how lucrative this business can be, and I am unbelievably excited about it. I want all of my friends to join my team, so that they can find financial freedom with me. I see the burdens of finances affecting too many people that I care about. Now to see someone have to choose between "losing everything" and risking losing their life... And actually choosing the risk of cancer ofer financial strain????? That just blew my mind. I never, ever, ever want to be put in that position. If you're reading this blog, you shouldn't put yourself in that position, either.
Shoot me an email if you want to talk about joining my team. I'm determined to become a success. Aren't you?
As for my friend, please say a prayer for her. Please pray that the cancer doesn't mastaticize before her hysterectomy. Please pray that she made the right decision. While you're at it, please pray for yourself and that you will NEVER have to be in a position to have to make a decision like that, either.