A few months ago, a good friend of mine told me how 49 teaching positions were eliminated from her school district-- And tenure didn't matter. Last week, an entire department was eliminated at my husband's place of work and 135 people will lose their jobs. In this day and age, it seems that NO ONE has any job security. This economy has been morbidly depressing over the past three years (if not longer). The jobs report came out last week and it went from an unemployment rate of 8.2% to 8.1%. Not a big change.
Everytime I get a check working from home, I think of all of the people in the USA that could easily do what I do. No sales, no parties, no investment, no risk. It doesn't make sense to me why people wouldn't want to give this business a shot. Anyone can do it, regardless of education, experience, race, gender and sexual orientation. Everyone has a chance (provided they are at least 18 years old). I just don't get why people complain about not making money or how badly they need money, yet they don't do something so simple to change their circumstances. If you want your circumstances to change, YOU need to change.
On Thursday morning, my four year old son came into my bedroom, curled up next to me and asked, "Is today Charlie/Mommy Day?" I promised Charlie a day with me, but hadn't set up a day to do so. Knowing full well that I could work my business around my boy and my own life, I answered, "It sure is, Charlie. Where do you want to go first?" He was so excited. All he wanted to do was go to Toys R Us and Friendly's for lunch. I took two hours out of my day and spent it with my son. (Grandma watched his twin sister, Catherine.) The point of my story is that my business gives me the flexibility and freedom to do what I feel is important-- Such as spending quality time with my children. I can do Charlie/Mommy Day or Catherine/Mommy Day whenever I want to. I can go on vacation without having to give notice. I don't have to worry about missing work and losing my job. I know that my check will still come next month. No one is going to give me grief for spending time with my family, of fire me for taking a two hour lunch.

Tomorrow, I will hobble to the Bellport Country Club for lunch with my family. I take Sundays off because I can. Sunday is my day to spend time with my family. I get to choose when I work and when I don't. I know that I'm going to make money this month that is going to pay off a big chunk of my student loans that I still have from George Washington University. It will also pay for a Disney vacation for my family.
And on Monday, I will start helping people changing their lives all over again... Will your life be one of them?