I swear, if one more person asks me if this is Amway, I'm going to scream. NO, IT IS NOT AMWAY!!! Amway is one of the at-home companies I have never gotten involved with. One of my good friends actually works Amway, and has to lay out over $300 per month. This is ABSOLUTELY not that. No freaking way. I would never, ever, ever get involved in another business where I have to lay out hundreds of dollars per month to make maybe $50. Thanks, but no thanks.
A lot of people that listen to the webcasts that my team and I do say that it is "to good to be true." It's not. I just cashed out another $71 via direct deposit, bringing my total so far to $691.20. Checks are being mailed out tomorrow, which I absolutely CANNOT wait for. Even if I just earned the $691.20, that is far more than any other at-home business I've ever profited from: Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Aloette, PartyLite, Monavie... I've tried tons. I wish I tried this first-- There would have been absolutely NO reason for me to do any of the others. Honestly, if I did this when I started Aloette back in 2002, I would most likely be living high on the hog right now. But, everything happens for a reason. It's all about timing, and this was the time that I was supposed to start this business.
When you advance with this company, you are rewarded. You can actually climb the steps of success and do very well. You start out as a marketing executive. Once you grow your team by eight, you become a director. Honestly, the business opportunity is so fantastic that I achieved the rank of Director in nine days. With that, I received a bonus of $200 (because I'm on pacesetter schedule) and had the opportunity to go out to dinner with some folks from the company-- and the company picked up the tab.
At this Director Celebration, which was held at a beautiful restaurant called Piccolo's in Mineola, I was able to meet several folks that have succeeded with the company. They welcomed me with open arms, and I was all by myself. It was awesome. At this dinner, I received my Director Certificate, pin and bracelet. (I've blocked out any identifying markers of the company because I don't want anyone to know what the company is, unless they ask me.) I was so proud.
What is really cool is that I actually advanced to Director II with the company, and will be able to attend another Director Celebration next month! I'll get my Director II pin and certificate. I'm moving right along, that's for sure. All this in less than a month. No magic, just talking to people. I love it.
I was actually caught off guard at the Director Celebration. One of my friends that enrolled made Director as well. No one was really surprised-- She's almost as social as I am. Well, I was acknowledged for developing a director, too! They gave me another lovely certificate, and acknowledged me in front of all of their team members. ALL of the team members clapped for me. It was awesome. I felt really accomplished. It made me want to do it all over again-- Which, I suppose, is what these Director Celebrations are supposed to do. I was bummed that Danielle wasn' able to go with me, but I'll be able to tell her all about it so she can go next month. After all, she is getting her congratulatory phone call from the company tomorrow. So, technically, she is becoming a Director in September. Everyone knew that I was a director in August, so I was able to go. I got my congratulatory call yesterday for becoming a Director II, so I know that I can go. My goal this month is to become a Director III. (Honestly, I'd like to hit Director VI by the end of the month, but I'm going to Mexico for a couple of days, so that might not happen.) Baby steps...
I took a direct deposit of $71 today. I wanted to let it accumulate, but I have a payment coming due for gymnastics for the kids, and I thought I'd pay for one of them with that. So, my tally for my million dollar goal:
I can do it. Everyone can, if they have a strong team behind them. Why not join mine and come on my million dollar journey with me?
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