Thursday, October 23, 2014

Hey, Moms!

I own a talent management and consultation company, called Cain Talent. I have a lot of kids on my talent roster with moms that want to work from home. Basically, these moms want the ability to create their own schedules so that they can TRULY put their kids first.
I've been working with this wellness company since before I started Cain Talent. That's since August of 2011, folks... TWO YEARS since before I started Cain Talent. I've been working EXTREMELY part time, and I've earned $33,000. Some months, I don't work at all, and I still get a check for like $600. I set my business up ONCE and get paid on it in perpetuity.
It's a simple concept. It's a lot of fun. And, yes, you can make a really nice amount of money. No investment, no quotas, no sales, no pestering friends for parties... Just setting up accounts for people to do some of their monthly grocery shopping. It's freaking fantastic.
People in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Ireland, England and Scotland can join my team and get started working immediately. It's MARKETING, not sales. And, frankly, it's a ton of fun. If you're interested in joining my team, send me a friend request on FaceBook or shoot me an email. Let's chat!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why I do What I do

A lot of people look at me and either exclaim, "Wow, you do everything!" or ask, "Is there anything that you don't do?" I used to just chuckle at that, but now it has gotten to a point where it gets under my skin. I feel as though people are mocking me, teasing me, thinking things about me that just aren't true. Yes, there are things that I don't do: I don't deal blackjack professionally. I don't deal with spiders. I don't excel at science, and am dreading it when my kids start getting into the touch stuff. I don't camp. I don't do balloons. So, yeah, there are a lot of things that I don't do.

Just because I do more to earn money than the average person doesn't mean anything except that I don't want a J-O-B. I will do anything to avoid working for anyone else. I don't like authority. I don't like people telling me what to do. I don't want to make money for anyone else. I know this about myself. I'm a better person because I know this about 

So, why judge me?

I own travel agency, Candy Cain Travel. I started my travel agency back in 2006, when I was going throughWedding Lane With Candy Cain. It just so happened that my destination wedding business became a subject of a reality show, which was never picked up. I became known for destination weddings. Right now, I only have one destination wedding on the books for next year and NONE for this year. I keep the travel agency because I like the perks I get, and I also have a lot of repeat and referred clients. I'm not going to turn business away.
fertility treatments so that I could stay home. I specialized in destination weddings, which is why I created

I own Cain Casting & Talent Management, a talent management company based on Long Island. I love the entertainment industry-- I've been involved in it my entire life. I rarely get in front of the camera any more-- Although I do have an audition tomorrow to play in a Tina Fey and Amy Poehler film. I'm able to get other people involved in the entertainment industry and help kids save for college. It's so much fun for me. Yes, working in the entertainment industry is what I do for fun. 
More importantly, my son is who asked me to get involved in the entertainment industry again. He asked me if I could get him on TV after seeing me on an episode of Malcolm in the Middle. That's how it all started. My kids love it. They were just on the TV show The Blacklist, and were terrific. They got a kick out of seeing themselves on television. If I'm able to give them the experience and help them save money for college, why shouldn't I do it? Think about what you would do if you were in my position-- If you had the connections and the knowledge that I have. Wouldn't you do exactly what I'm doing?

And, yes, I work from home for another company, which is what this entire blog is about. I help people do the same, and earn what they want to earn. If I put in more hours, I make more money. If I work less or no hours, I still get paid, thanks to residual income. I didn't work AT ALL last month, and I still received a check for $465 with them. And, no, I don't sell anything. There's actually a policy stating that we're not allowed to sell.

I'm happy. I love what I do-- EVERYTHING that I do. I experience success every day. I also experience failure, but I pick myself up and keep on going. Perhaps that is the difference between me and other people-- I don't quit. And, quite frankly, I'm not going to let people steal my joy. Maybe you can't relate to me because you're the type of person that chooses to live in a 9 to 5 job, and that's totally fine. I don't judge you. 

So, why judge me?
Click the picture above if you want to learn more about what I do from home.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Candy's Weightloss Challenge

Isn't it ironic to see "Candy" and "Weightloss" in the same sentence? HAH! Well, this Candy is going to inspire you to lose weight and get in shape... And you get to do it with me.

Now, I've been working with this company for nearly three years. I've earned over $30,000 working very part time. I'm currently at the yearly convention, and I've had some marvelous training. I just learned all sorts of things about three of the products-- All guaranteed to help you lose weight, maintain a healthy blood glucose level and get into better shape overall.

Right now, my shape is a bit round. I'd much prefer to go for hourglass.

What's your shape?

Learning about these products got me to thinking... There are so many of my friends that I know want to lose weight and get in shape. I see FaceBook posts and Tweets all the time about people complaining about the shape they're in and how they need to lose weight. Hell, I'm one of these people. I need to lose weight. I'm not at a healthy weight.

But I absolutely HATE exercise. I hate the gym. I tried Zumba, but I skipped out after the first class and went for ice cream with my friend. Exercise and I don't mesh. At least, right now we don't. Maybe that will change in the future.

I don't have a support team for weightloss, either. I get snarky comments from family members (who shall remain nameless-- but NOT my husband), which aren't very productive. I hate shopping for myself because I don't like looking at myself in a mirror. I used to be 5'9" tall and a size 6 in high school. Now I'm nearly 5'10" tall and a size 16/18.

I want to change. And I know that there are a lot of people that want to change, too.

I've tried NutriSystem ($500 blown), Jenny Craig ($440 blown), and countless others. With those two, I did them for a little over a month each. That's nearly $1000 that I spent, and I'm no better than I was before. Plus, those products have all sorts of chemicals in them.

The company I work for has a natural solution for weightloss, and I'm diving into it head first on June 1. I know that I need a support team, so I've created Candy's Weightloss Challenge. It isa 90 day weightloss challenge and the person that has dropped the highest percentage of body fat wins $150.

Now, that's $150 out of my own pocket. You can take it cash, gift card, check, PayPal, whatever. But, September 1, all of the photos and measurements are due.

This is how it's going to work:

1. You enroll in the shopping club I'm a part of for $1. It's a one time fee.

2. You purchase a 30 day supply of the weightloss shake and exercise bars ($83.86 before tax and shipping).

3. You take a before photo of yourself facing forward, sideways and back to the camera in tight-fitting clothes and email them to Candy.

4. You weigh yourself and take the measurements of your bust, waist and hips, and send your weight and measurements to Candy. (Don't worry- your secret is safe.)

5. You eat an exercise bar 15 minutes before you work out once per day. Going to a walk for 30 minutes ABSOLUTELY counts as exercise!!! (That's what I'm going to do, fyi.) If you can't exercise, there is another effective way to use these bars-- Which I will write out in the instuctions when you join the challenge!

6. You drink a shake as a replacement for breakfast.

7. On day 21, you weigh yourself, take measurements, take pictures and send them to Candy. If you are happy with the results, place your order for the next 30 days through your account. If you're not, cancel and send your used items back. You will get a refund.

8. Repeat for days 31 - 60 and 61 - 90.

9. The winner receives $150.

This is the very basic weightloss regimen. There are other regimens that you can do, but they are a lot more costly and I know that people would be hesitant to try it. But know that this is a 100% money back guarantee through the company. You are enrolled with the company and you shop directly through them. I don't sell anything. I'm a customer with this company. I placed my order. I'm ready to rock 'n roll.

I saw the story of a woman today who weighed 550lbs two years ago, when this shake came out. She lost 280 lbs. If she can do it, I can do it. Of that, I'm sure.

I will create a FaceBook group for everyone that wants to do this challenge. You can refer your friends to the challenge. As a matter of fact, for every friend that you refer to this challenge, the company will pay you $25. Get a bunch of friends and do it together.

Who knows? Maybe this challenge will be so successful that  I will run it again in 3 months with an even bigger prize.

If you want in, shoot me a message. I'll set you up with your account so you can choose the flavors of the shakes and bars, and have everything sent to you. Then I'll add you into the FaceBook group and we'll start on June 1.

Let's do it!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

NOW is the Time

As you all know, I work from home. Yes, I own a successful talent management company and a travel agency, but that's not what I am talking about. After I started Candy Cain Travel and before I started Cain Casting & Talent Management, my best friend approached me about working with her on a marketing team. I resisted because I thought it was sales-- You've read my blog. You know the history. (And if you haven't, perhaps you should read some older entries.) I've been working this business since August 9, 2011. Some months I work a lot. Some months I don't work at all. Every single month, I get a check. It never fails-- No matter how much or little I work, I get a check. And none of my checks have ever been under $370.

Not too shabby for a company where you don't invest anything and don't have to sell anything.

I'm at Convention now.  They revealed a new compensation plan that knocked my socks off. There is such an incredible opportunity to earn money from home with this company, it's absolutely astonishing. Mind-boggling. AMAZING.

I am so unbelievably excited. We don't sell anything. They even revealed a new policy stating that we are not allowed to sell the products that the company makes!!! So, no, it isn't an MLM.

No investment. No sales. No inventory. No risk. Work on your own time. Free up your time so you can be with your family. Pay off your debt. Change your life.

NOW is the time to change. If you don't change things for yourself, who is going to change the outcome of your life?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it's 2014. I feel like there should be flying cars and homes that looked like they are straight out of The Jetsons. I, like many others, have made some New Years Resolutions. The one I will mention in this blog is that I am determined to be COMPLETELY debt-free by the end of the year: All credit cards, student loans, etc... They will be gone by December 31, 2014. I'm determined to do it. I know I can-- Especially working from home with a company that encourages its people to become debt-free. Heck, they even partnered with the financial guru Dave Ramsey to give the people that work with them tips about saving money and becoming debt-free. How could you NOT want to work with a company like this?

I'm all about sharing this year. I don't pressure-- I share. And I would love to share what I do from home with you. I want other people to be able to experience the flexibility that I experience working from home. It is so liberating to know that I'm going to receive a check for no less than $600 every single month regardless of whether I work or not. I know that it is going to be there, no matter what. Maybe $600 doesn't sound like a lot of money to you, but it means that I don't have to worry about the tuition payment for my kids to go to Catholic School. It's there. It's awesome.

A few entries ago, I wrote about the Blessing Gold Club.  You know... Where I had to send in $109 and get $37,500 in return? Well, it has been six months, and I haven't received one dime. Not even a penny. Can you imagine my shock and dismay? Oh, wait... I signed something giving them my money and saying that I didn't expect anything in return. How is that fair? I didn't have to do any work at all! I sent in $100 and waited. Why didn't I get any money back?

Folks, do you see how utterly ridiculous that is?

I am looking for people that truly want to WORK from home. I want people that are motivated, self-starters, responsible, reliable and focused. No, this isn't an MLM-- I've tried many MLMs in the past, and always got burned. I've never gotten burned in the two and a half years that I've worked with this company. Never. You won't either.

If you want to work with me, send me a friend request on FaceBook or shoot me an email. Let's set up a time to chat.