Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A No-Brainer Business (Part I)

When I tell people about this business, it doesn't surprise me that the first words out of their mouths are usually, "What's the catch?" There is no catch. You enroll. You share the business with others (usually by setting appointments in the very beginning). You shop. You earn money. Period. If you want to be a leader, that is GREAT and you will probably earn more money, based on your own efforts. If you don't want to be a leader, that is fine, too. You get to do this business at YOUR own pace. You don't have to dea with a boss; just business partners that YOU choose. My main business partners are my best friend of 20 years and my neighbor (and other BFF) across the street.
Dionne & Me - BFFs for 20+ years AND business partners
I love being able to work with friends. I love making new friends in this business. I know that sounds cheesy, but it is so true. Take me and Dionne, for instance. I met Dionne when I was 15 years old. I'm 35 now. We're working together, and our relationship is stronger than ever-- Even though Dionne lives in Prince Edward Island, Canada and I'm on Long Island, NY. Dionne has a degree in Sociology from St. John's University and I have a degree in Dramatic Literature from The George Washington University. We come from two very different backgrounds, but BOTH of us can excel with this business. We are both Director V with our company. We both get to stay home with our kids. We both make a nice paycheck because we work together.
Me and Sarah, my neighbor directly across the street
Even though I LOVE working with Dionne, nothing beats working with my neighbor, Sarah. You see, I have 4 year old twins. Sarah has three kids, ages 3, 5 and 8. It is SO convenient to have someone that understands working from home right across the street. If I need help, I know that Sarah will be there for me-- And vice versa. There have been many times where we have watched each other's kids during the times the other was working. It just makes it soooo convenient to have someone that is so close by in pretty much the same situation I am (husbands working all week long, kids at home). I love having someone to celebrate with and complain to about the business that is so close. To be perfectly honest with you, Sarah bought me a fabulous bottle of strawberry vodka for my birthday this past September. I said we would only drink it for special occasions. Now we call it our "Advancement Shot" whenever either one of us advances our business.

Our company also has something called Director Celebrations, where they take you to dinner whenever you advance your Director business. Sarah and I have gone together to several Director Celebrations, and will be going to one on July 7 with another team member, Melissa. It's so much fun and FREE) to celebrate with my team. I really don't go out very often with my friends, so I look forward to this celebration every single month.


There are so many people "out there" looking for a way to make some money from home, whether it be full-time or part-time. The leaders on my team (Dionne, Sarah, Samantha and I) have developed a way for ANYONE to succeed at a business that is already geared to the average person. I mean, I did my entire first month (August 2011) on FaceBook, and I earned $839.26. I can teach ANYONE how to do this business on FaceBook. Furthermore, we have set it up so that people just set appointments during their first month and listen to our presentations with the people that have appointments, so that they get on-the-job training. The people that join our team learn quickly, and have a strong understanding of what it takes to earn money with our business.

We've got an AWESOME FaceBook group for people on our team, and our team alone. Everyone that joins our team gets added to our FaceBook group so that they can be in touch with people that will help them with ANY questions that they might have about the business, or just for support. I love the FaceBook group. Heck, I'm the one that started it, to tell you the truth. I'm a FaceBook addict. I wanted to bring my business to my addiction-- And it worked. FaceBook is a phenomenal business tool, and I teach people how to use it as such.

ANYONE can do this business, as long as they are at least 18 years old-- And I mean ANYONE. It doesn't matter what gender, race, age or sexual orientation you are. It doesn't matter where you live. It doesn't matter if you don't want to or just can't leave your home. It doesn't matter if you don't want to talk on the phone. It doesn't matter if you are blind, deaf or mute. Anyone who takes a shower qualifies for this business. Period.


The twins on vacay in June
I built my business around my twins. I played with them during the day, and worked after they went to sleep at night. I still have it around them-- They mean the world to me, and I wouldn't change it for a thing. I just feel very blessed to have this business in my life. I am trying very hard to make it my primary source of income. Another reason that I love this business is that I can travel whenever I want, and not be strapped down to working set hours. If I want to work, I can do everything online or at whatever phone number I am using on vacation. This means that I can bring my family on fun trips, which is what I remember the most about my own childhood. My mom would bring my and my sister to different places around the northeast USA, and we would spend time together. I want to do that with my family as much as possible.

It doesn't matter where I am; I can share my business with absolutely anyone. I am able to enroll people from all over the USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam, UK, Germany, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and any US Military base in the world onto my team. That is a LOT of people. If ever I move, my business will move with me. I can travel and not worry about being fired. How many people can say that? (All 190 people on my team can...)  I had to travel a lot with my "other business" last year, and just watcched this business grow and grow while I did. It was surprising-- And thrilling. I went to Vegas and the Dominican Republic in March. I got a check for $1811.45 with this company, which you can see from a previous blog entry. My travel had ZERO effect on my income.


Alright, three reasons is enough for now... I don't want this to be an epic entry. I'll add more reasons why this is a No Brainer Business in my next entry. Thanks for reading! And, if you're interested in joining my team or just getting more details, shoot me a message.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Why Working From Home is Worth it To ME.

It has been nearly a month since I've written a blog entry. I'm so sorry that I haven't been writing. With Memorial day, the twins, planning travel, traveling myself, cleaning out my house and working, I haven't had time to write a blog entry. I'll try to keep up a little more, considering that I have so many new followers. I'm sorry to have let you down!

A week after my last entry, I received the following check:

Not too shabby with everything else I do, eh? I love working from home. I love that I don't have to do sales. I love that I am not under pressure to meet a quota. I love that I don't have to spend my paycheck on carrying an inventory. This is the best work from home business I've ever experienced it. I've been working since August 2011, and I have earned $7875. (Remember that I started and it was VERY part-time. I started doing full-time in the middle of March.)

I want to share a quick story about the above check. For those of you that do not know, I have 4 year old twins. I really wanted to put them in a gymnastics camp twice a week (3 hours per day) during the summer at Gym-Nest, where they already attend once a week. However, it is $90 per child with NO twins' discount for the summer. A seven week program translates to $630 PER CHILD for the summer, or $1260 for both of them. A bit steep, but I REALLY wanted to send them. The night of May 15, my husband and I were in bed, talking about the camp and the cost. He said that he would work some doubles, and I would use my monthly check in June, since I anticipated having a really good May. (Which, by the way, I ended up NOT having, in my humble opinion.) We would do whatever we could so that the twins could go to camp.

I thought my check for the work I did in April (my May check, which you see above) was only going to be $600 or so. I called my husband at work shrieking my head off-- I earned more than DOUBLE what I anticipated!!!!! It was enough to send one of them for the FULL summer, or both of them for 4 weeks without any unexpected expenses. I can't even begin to tell you how happy we were - how happy I was - to be able to pay for gymnastics camp for my twins without haveing to sacrifice ANYTHING else.

What would an extra $100 per month do for you? An extra $500? An extra $1000? A friend of mine got a check for over $12,000 last month... What would that do for you? You'd be surprised that it only costs you $1 to enroll in my company's organization and to join my team (until June 20, 2012). There are no monthly fees. It's a fantastic company that ANYONE can earn money with. I am happy to share this with you. Just shoot me a message and let me know what day and time works for you.

Total Earned: $7,875,89
Total until $1MILLION: $992,124.11